
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:31:55


1.他们在革命战争中经历了许多困难和考验.(go through)

2.每个人都江堰市要为自己的行为负责.(be respomible for)

3.那个公司声称他们的产品使你不用节食就能瘦下来.(claim 用过去式)

4.他把所有的精力都放在发展公司的销售业务上.(devote to developing 用现在完成时或一般现在时)

5.他们冒着得罪当地人的风险一意孤行的照着他们的计划去做.(ai rist of offending)


1. They went through lots of hardships and tests in the revolutionary war.

2. Every one should be responsible for his own behaviours.

3. That company claimed that their products can help you lose weight without dieting.

4. All his energy is devoted (或 has been devoted) to developing the selling operation of the company.

5. They followed their plans wilfully under the risk of offending the locals.

1.他们在革命战争中经历了许多困难和考验.(go through)
1.They had gone through millions of difficulties and chanllenges during the war of the revolution.

2.每个人都江堰市要为自己的行为负责.(be respomible for)
2.Every citizen should be responsible for his/her behavior in the city of DUJIANG.

3.那个公司声称他们的产品使你不用节食就能瘦下来.(claim 用过去式)
3. That company claimed that the consumer could lose weight with no need to go on diet.

4.他把所有的精力都放在发展公司的销售业务上.(devote to developing 用现在完成时或一般现在时)
4.He devotes all his energy to developing sales